Project Delivery

Structuring the method of procuring and delivering design and construction services is a critical first step of every project. I have been involved in advising capital facility owners on project delivery options for more than 20 years. Going back to the 1990s, I was involved in industry-wide efforts to better define and explain project delivery alternatives. Starting with a manual called the Client Advisor, compiled and published jointly by the Boston Society of Architects and the Massachusetts AGC chapter, I have participated in industry-wide efforts to better explain the elements of each project delivery alternative. In the past 15 years, I have been involved in two updates to a textbook published by AGC of America, Project Delivery Systems for Construction.
My advice is based on many years of working with clients who use different delivery methods, from hard-bid solicitations based on a complete design, to private sector CM-at-risk and public-sector CM/GC, to design-build (in both private and public sectors). I have also worked with clients to obtain some of the benefits of IPD, but on projects using a different delivery method.
Please contact me to discuss your upcoming or pending project, and how I can assist in structuring project relationships.